
new blog

hey guys, if there's any of u reading my blog. ;p happy living alive not yet dead and will never becoming zombie. :) i created a new blog few days ago. very the simple. very the me. very the perfecto for the momento. anyway, i will not share it now. will do later when i feel like doing. oww yea, mission 2013? got a lot, will share few of them...............

1. kurus :)   >o<   B-)
2. learning few other languages
3. dapat suami kacak, kaya macam budak aiman yang berlakon dalam rindu bertamu di abu dhabi tu. ;p tak layan? vanilla coklat. tak layan gak? mamat masuk af tapi kalah tu. tak tawu? kawan sekolah kau lah gilaaaaa ;p bukan jugak?! oke bai!
3. graduate baby!!!!! owwww yeahhhh!!!!!!!!!! :)

enough for you. keep the rest all to myself. love all people around me.whether you bring joy or pain. i love you bebeh, because of each and everyone of you i experienced it all. lot of things happen even though i am still a cute and adorable smart teenagers. ;p take it all, learn it all. learning process never end, till you become a dead body or maybe if u'd like to, a z.o.m.b.i.e~ ;p

if you found out that being kind in each and every single little thing in your life is not cool at all, you don't deserve heaven baby, that is for sure. and if you try to improve yourself to become a good hamba Allah, as days passes, i don't know what you deserve! ;p

-quoted by: my cute self



Saya sayang bumblebee saya ucuk anje.. :-P new year wish?! I would like to become a better person..please make me become 1 ya Rabb..makbulkan segala hajatku..(takkan nak listkan kat sini ye dop??!! ;p) segala-galanya berlaku dengan izinMu..sejahterakan kami umat Islam seluruh dunia..aminn~ :)



today is not yesterday, never will be tomorrow, not last week, for sure will never be next month. today is today. i love today. today brings me everyday, today i laugh, today i cry, today i pissed off, today i wonder, today i cheer, today i trust, today i learn, everything happens today!! nonetheless, everyday is happy day!! thank you today! ^__^

*wink *wink *ting tong! ;p



Penat dengan ragam manusia, yang take people for granted nye, yang bad mouth nye, yang pretender nye, yang macam-macam nyeeee lahh..tapi takpe, Allah menjanjikan syurga kepada makhluknya yang bersabar dengan setiap ujian yang Allah, do it right, forgive them all!! mereka tak sengaja pun cik 'ain..mereka cuma lupa bahawa segala-galanya pinjaman Allah kepada kita..ingatkan mereka?? nanti mereka cakap saya ustazah which i'm clearly not..ehehe~  ^.^ saya berdoa semoga mereka ingat itu semua suatu hari nanti dan mencari jalan kembali kepada Allah S.W.T..itu sahaja yang saya mampu..awww!!~ ;p

takde sape yang nak pakai baju tulis I LOVE ALLAH kan??!! I LOVE NEW YORK banyak lahh~ i think so..saya nak!! saya nak!! ;p


Pemilik Cintaku setelah Allah & Rasul.

It's a book title. Written by Fatimah Syarha Mohd Noordin. A great book that will change us, women perspective towards ourselves, our religion and our faith and trust towards Allah S.W.T and of course, our beloved Islam, the way of life. Recommended by my beloved lecturer, Madam Roziyani binti Rawi. Was about to borrow from her, but somehow found the book at MPH, Giant Senawang. Ask my sis to buy it for me..ehehe. And she agreed, because it's only RM12.00 dude!! The content is much more expensive than the price..thumbs up to the writer!!

One thing that I remember the most in this book....perkahwinan adalah sesuatu yang halal, tetapi adakah anda ingin memulakannya dengan sesuatu yang haram? iaitu "couple" sebelum berkahwin. I can't remember the exact phrases and words but from my point of view and my interpretation, it is somewhat like that. Touche! ;p

Read it last year, only now updating..hik3!~ ;p

Goodnight! err..morning beloved peeps!! ^.^


hey ho! ;p

it has been a very longgggggg tyme that this blog is updated. sorry baby, lots of other stuff bugging me. i love u. remember that. :)

today, i miss him. very much. that i cried alone at workplace thinking of him. 1st thing was on my mind today.....awak janji nak bawa wifey and kids datang wedding saya! :| 2nd of all, wondering what are you doing right now. there was never a friend treat me very well, the way you did. i miss you!
dah lah lama tak hupdate blog, bukan main jiwang lagik cik ain!! hamboih!! ahaha!! lots of stuff in head, lots of dreams to pursue. lots of things to achieve. using my own big and not so little hand! penat! tapi insyaAllah berbaloi-baloi~ :)

comelnyeeeeeeee saya!! rasa nak geget je!! ;p



kalau aku ditakdirkan mati suatu hari nanti, ya Allah tolong kabarkan padanya...........terlalu mecintainya sehingga secara tidak sengaja memusnahkan diri sendiri, demi untuk kebahagiaannya. demi mengelakkan diri untuk menggangu dia. happy always my dear love. shift all the hurt to me.

aku takkan lelah menunggu
hingga waktu ajal menjemputku
takkan pernah sesalku untuk menunggumu

aku harus tetap menunggu
hingga nanti aku berbaring
sampai mati aku akan tetap menunggumu

ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
ingin ku bagikan semua hanya untukmu
agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

ku ingin kau tahu tentang perasaanku
ku ingin kau tahu besar cinta padamu
ingin ku berikan sisa waktuku
dan sisa hidupku sampai mati

aku harus tetap menunggu
hingga nanti aku berbaring
sampai mati aku akan tetap
akan tetap menunggumu

ingin ku gapai bulan dan ku petik bintang
ingin ku bagikan semua hanya untukmu
agar kau tahu besarnya cintaku kepada dirimu

yuyu yaya

as i can't think of any other title..just bear it laahhh~ ;) i'm in happy mode this whole week, hope next week gettin happier everrr..insyaAllah.. ;p some idea of wut happen this week later yea..currently waiting for cerekarama entitle "Payung Emas" to start..lambatnyee pukul10..datuk harimau cepat laaaahhhhh..ehehe~ ;p

Wednesday pule..

siti doakan akak dapat A ye..susah sangat nak dapat ni..ehehe..bye2 siti.. :)


kehadapan adikku seorang yang sangat kucintai..muahhh!! muahh!!! siti, esok petang akak balik...nanti akak jemput siti balik keje ye?? windu sangattt!!!! eeee!! gerammm!!! ;p nt jumaat sabtu kite dating puas2 ye?? anta akak blk kl taw lps tu..boleh siti tengok rumah baru akak..rumah sewa la tapi, bukan rumah akak. nanti akak dah keje akak beli rumah sendiri..akak beli kereta, kereta untuk ibu n ayah..siti nak kereta?? nanti akak belikan jugak eh?? untuk kegunaan sepanjang siti kat bangi nanti..nanti dah habis belajar siti belikan ibu n ayah rumah plak eh? lps tu kite sama-sama kumpul duet untuk ibu ngn ayah pergi haji. nk x siti? happy graduation day siti..akak punya bajet lari bulan ni..ujung tahun akak bagi hadiah ye? siti nak galaxy tab? boleh..ape ade hal.. :) luv my syg ucuk sorang aje dalam dunia..miss messing up with u, n u get mad at me..ehehe..esok akak balik taw!! :) tungguuuuu saya.. :)